Harp Making in
Late-Georgian London
At the end of the eighteenth century, after the French Revolution, the centre of pedal-harp making moved from Paris to London. There, building on the work of its Bavarian originators and Parisian developers, mainly immigrant makers elevated the instrument to new musical, technical, and decorative heights, and placed it in the hands and salons of the British upper classes and aristocracy. Until recently, the story of harp making in England has been dominated by the Erard family who built about 7,000 of an estimated 15,000 harps made in London during the nineteenth century; some 20 other makers have been all but forgotten.
This book, the story of harp making in late-Georgian England, assesses the role and consumption of the harp in society whilst describing its decorative and technical development. Forgotten makers and their innovations are identified. Through the lens of newly discovered documents and the reinterpretation of others, Jacob Erat's manufactories are reconstructed. His working methods, illustrative of those used in the wider industry, are rediscovered, and employees and suppliers are revealed anew.
ISBN: 9781527265110
428 pages
Price: £60
Harp Making in
Late-Georgian London
At the end of the eighteenth century, after the French Revolution, the centre of pedal-harp making moved from Paris to London. There, building on the work of its Bavarian originators and Parisian developers, mainly immigrant makers elevated the instrument to new musical, technical, and decorative heights, and placed it in the hands and salons of the British upper classes and aristocracy. Until recently, the story of harp making in England has been dominated by the Erard family who built about 7,000 of an estimated 15,000 harps made in London during the nineteenth century; some 20 other makers have been all but forgotten.
This book, the story of harp making in late-Georgian England, assesses the role and consumption of the harp in society whilst describing its decorative and technical development. Forgotten makers and their innovations are identified. Through the lens of newly discovered documents and the reinterpretation of others, Jacob Erat's manufactories are reconstructed. His working methods, illustrative of those used in the wider industry, are rediscovered, and employees and suppliers are revealed anew.
ISBN: 9781527265110
428 pages
Price: £60
Enoch Flemine and John Morris - disturbance of the peace, 28 June 1780
(Alice Wiggins - a harp maker's wife gives character reference)
Old Bailey Online, t17800628-71
ENOCH FLEMINE and JOHN MORRIS were indicted for that they together with twenty other persons and more, did, unlawfully, riotously, and tumultuously assemble, on the 8th of June, to the disturbance of the publick peace, and did begin to demolish and pull down the dwelling-house of Ferdinand Schomberg, against the form of the statute, &c.
I live in Woodstock-street, Hanover-square. On the 7th of June at twelve o'clock at night, about ten or twelve people came to my house with iron bars and broke open the door; when the door was broke open I ran out of the house to endeavour to get some assistance.
In what condition was your house when you left it? - In exceeding good condition.
In what condition was it when you returned? - Almost all the furniture was thrown out at the windows; the windows were broke, the wainscoting was pulled down; it was broke in several different places with the iron bars.
Court. Was any of it broken down? - Some of the doors were broke down, and part of the chimney-piece, and the wainscoting very much broke.
Do you know any of the persons who were concerned in it? - No.
I am servant to Mr. Schomberg. My master's house was broke into by several people at twelve o'clock at night. I saw both the prisoners in the back parlour.
What were they doing? - They were fitting by the child in bed.
Had either of them anything in his hand? - Flemine had an iron bar in his hand. Flemine said to me, You bitch, see what I have brought for you! and shewed me the iron bar.
How did he hold the bar when he used that expression? - He struck it against the ground.
How long afterwards was it before they were apprehended? - I believe half an hour, by the Life-Guards.
Were they taken in the house or out of the house? - I do not know.
How many people got into the house at that time? - About twelve.
Had Morris anything in his hand? - I cannot say he had.
When did you see them after they were apprehended? - I saw them in the park about a week after.
Did you find them out yourself or were they pointed out to you? - I found them out myself.
Are you positive they are two of the persons who were in your master's house? - I am.
Court. What did the persons who broke into the house do? - They broke the doors and the pannels of the window shutter.
What did you see the prisoner do? - I saw one of the people in the house take a fiddle and play at one of the windows.
How long after the people broke into the house was it before you saw the prisoners in the back parlour? - Directly after they broke in.
Flemine. At the justice's she said she believed I was one of the men; but she could not be certain.
When they were examined before the justice did you say you thought Flemine was the man, but you were not certain of it? - I said Flemine was the man, I was very sure of it.
I am a chairman and bricklayer. I live at the Green-man in New Bond-street. I carry lady Archer by the week. I heard a noise; I was going up to my lady's, to put up lights for fear her windows should be broke. Coming by the fire of Mr. Schomberg's goods, I saw one of the Life-Guards come up and held his horse about two or three minutes; he went and brought these two men out of the house as he told me. I did not see him go in or come out of the house; he delivered them to us, and we took them to the Duke of Gloucester's riding-house, where they were taken care of.
I had been to my brother's. As I was coming home, a little after eleven o'clock. I heard there was a fire. I went along with a good many people. When I came there the place was not on fire, but there was a fire in the street as to my doing any damage to any mortal I did not.
As I was coming home with my brother I I saw a great mob. I saw there was a great fire. Hearing there was a child in the house I ran in to see if I could save the child. The woman might see me there. My brother Flemine and I were taken just after. We are brothers by two fathers, but the same mother.
For the prisoners.
I have known Enoch Flemine between seven and eight years, and Morris about two years. I have bought a good many pounds' worth of goods of Flemine. I never heard any blemish in his character before. He is a basket-maker, he bore a good character as far as ever I heard. He has a large family; he worked hard for them. He was brought up in St. Giles's school.
I keep a chandler's shop. I have known Flemine about seven years; I have known the other about a twelvemonth, when he came apprentice to his brother. I never heard any thing against Flemine, but that he worked hard for his family. I never heard any thing good or bad of the other.
I am a dentist I have known Flemine two years; he is a worthy industrious man. I have known Morris some short time; I know very little of him. Flemine has a wife and four small children.
I am a harp-maker's wife. I have known Flemine from his infancy. I never heard any thing bad of him till this.
Do you know the boy (Morris)? - I knew the mother before she bore him; they are both of one mother. I never heard any thing against the child or the man. Morris is about fifteen years of age.
I have known Flemine eight years; he is a sober, industrious, hard-working man; he always paid every one his own.
What is the character of the boy? - He was always a sober, honest boy; he was in St. Giles's school. I have known him seven years.
Tried by the First Middlesex Jury before Mr. RECORDER.
(Morris was, on account of his youth, humbly recommended by the Jury to his majesty's mercy).